Help Table of Contents

What is KanjiQuick Voice 2.0?

KanjiQuick is published by a not-for-profit organization. Your support will help to improve KanjiQuick with future versions and develop other tools for learning, translating and teaching Japanese. Please register if you consider KanjiQuick a useful tool.

To obtain your registration code, please contact the publisher by email,

Text Analysis: Using the Transer Module
 • Display the Text Analysis Input window
 • Text input procedures
 • Display Text Analysis Results List
 • Find kanji and jukugo in the Results List
 • Display all data for entries in the Results List

Search for kanji - Overview
 • by stroke count
 • by radical
 • by reading
 • by meaning
 • from jukugo
 • Combined searches

Search for kanji compounds (jukugo) - Overview
 • using a single kanji
 • for other jukugo within the jukugo displayed
 • for a single kanji from the jukugo displayed
 • display options and limiting searches

Kanji data displayed
 • Data in the main window
       Stroke count and radical number
       Kanji groups
 • "More Data +" button
       Kanji dictionaries
       Character codes
 • Draw stroke order

Sort Options
 • by frequency
 • by stroke count
 • by radical

Display Options
 • all kanji
 • kyouiku-kanji
 • jouyou-kanji
 • marked entries
 • readings in rômaji or kana
 • list of kanji readings
 • personal and place names (Not yet available)
 • More Data window
 • stroke order

Kanji and jukugo input via IME
 • Input via IME and Handwriting

Using the Menu bar
 • Tooltips
 • Display help file
 • Quit KanjiQuick
 • Copyright window
 • Compact the database
 • Kanji and jukugo Search History

Searching for English Words

Browsing kanji or jukugo lists

Marking Entries

Clearing Fields and Windows

EDICT Reader (Japanese-English Dictionary)

Voice Generation

Editing Entries

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